School Closed
Midwinter Break Feb. 17th to Feb. 21st
Midwinter Break Feb. 17th to Feb. 21st
Thursday, Feb. 13th
Mrs. Kiana Washington
Principal of Public School 153, her dedication to community and passion for education compels her to be an Instructional Leader. Mrs. Washington has over 20 years of pedagogical experience.
She began her career in education at Community School 67 in the Bronx as an English teacher in the 1990s. Mrs. Washington broadened her educational career and moved into administration in 2012. She has nine years of experience in building leadership. She was a proud Assistant Principal in District 11 at the Walt Disney Magnet STEAM School in a co-op city. Mrs. Washington received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and two Master of Science Degrees, one in Elementary Education and the other in School Building Leadership. In addition, she also holds New York State Certifications in District Leadership, School Building Leadership, and English (Grades 7-12).
In addition to her school administration role, Mrs. Washington is an adjunct professor in the School of Education at Manhattanville College.
Beyond the scope of her educational career, Mrs. Washington is a devoted wife and mother of three sons. Mrs. Washington humbly leaves her imprint on her students and communities, and she states, "I am honored to have the opportunity to continue reaching, teaching, and inspiring students. My passion for education involves providing all students with an exciting, rigorous, and safe learning environment. My commitment to building positive relationships and leading by example will go hand in hand while exuding education and community pride!"